
Dear Muckleshoot Families:

We are pleased to be transporting your child to and from school this year.

We are very proud of the safety record of our school buses and the professionalism of our transportation team.

Please help us ensure your child’s safety by following these simple but important procedures:

  • Make sure your child arrives at the designated bus stop five minutes early each day.

  • Insist that your child wait for the bus safely in an orderly fashion, back from the roadway. Behavior problems at the bus stop can create hazardous conditions for children.

  • When the bus arrives, your child should wait for the bus driver’s signal before boarding.

  • Teach your child to sit quietly on the ride to and from school. Behavior problems could distract the bus driver and result in an accident.

  • Kindergarten children must be met @ bus stop by parent/guardian. Student will be returned to the school if not met. School will contact parent/guardian and arrange pick up.

  • Kindergarten children will sit at the front of the bus.

It is important that our drivers are able to concentrate on driving the route safely. If anything makes your child feel unsafe at the bus stop or on the bus ride, please contact us at the transportation department, rather than trying to discuss it at the bus stop.

We are deeply committed to the safety of your child and of all of our community’s children.

Thank You!

Janet Baker, Director of Transportation

Cell Phone: 253.261-1329

Work Phone: 253.931.6709 ext. 3805


Please call transportation by 12:00 noon with any transportation changes to allow for driver/teacher/student notification. Calls will not be processed after 2:00


Child’s Name __________________________________________                                             Grade   ______

Bus Route     # ___       Pick-up @ _____________________________________________ Time _______

Drop- Off @ _____________________________________________ Time ______

Note—Every Friday will be an early Release @ 12:30       Friday Drop-Off @   Time ________